SATToSE 2015

SATToSE is the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution. Its 8th edition takes place in Mons (Belgium) on 6–8 July 2015. Past editions of SATToSE saw presentations on software visualisation techniques, tools for co-evolving various software artefacts, their consistency management, runtime adaptability and context-awareness, as well as empirical results about software evolution.

The goal of SATToSE is to gather both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, improve their communication skills, attend and contribute technology showdown and hackathons.

Invited Talks

  • Anita Sarma (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
    • Keynote 1: Managing Socio-Technical Dependencies in Distributed Software Development
  • Martin Pinzger (University of Klagenfurt)
    • Keynote 2: Analyzing Changes in Software Systems: From ChangeDistiller to FMDiff

Tutorial and hackathon


Please visit the dedicated page for any information about the program schedule.


Registration is now open. Please simply fill the registration form. We suggest you to register before the early bird registration deadline, on 1st June 2015.


SATTOSE 2015 will be held in Mons, Belgium. Please visit the dedicated page for more information.


Mons is a small city. And because Mons is also the European Capital of Culture this year, we invite you to reserve your hotel early enough to avoid any disappointment. We obtained a favourable tariff from some hotels close to the symposium.

Social Events

Further than the technical programme we will enjoy also social events.

On Tuesday, 7 Jully, we invite you to visit the brewery of Saint-Feuillien. The same day, the dinner will take place in the Dream Hotel at 20:00.


We invite you to submit your paper for the postproceedings of SATToSE 2015.

While the preproceedings were meant for our internal use (to share the presentation abstracts with other participants), the postproceedings will be properly published in the open access CEUR Workshop Proceedings.


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