
  • Tom Mens has uploaded some of his pictures on Dropbox. They will not be there forever, so download the ones you want.


SATToSE is the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution. Its 9th edition takes place in Bergen (Norway) on 11–13 July 2016. Past editions of SATToSE saw presentations on software visualisation techniques, tools for co-evolving various software artefacts, their consistency management, runtime adaptability and context-awareness, as well as empirical results about software evolution.

The goal of SATToSE is to gather both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, improve their communication skills, attend and contribute technology showdown and hackathons.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Jun 12
  • Notification of acceptance: Jun 19
  • Registration deadline: Jun 24
  • Workshop: Jul 11 - 13

Invited Talks, Tutorial, Hackathon

The Use of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing in Software Engineering (Tutorial)
Venera Arnaoudova, Washington State University

Taming your PhD
Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern

In Defense of Basic Tools For Software Evolution: Programming Languages
Romain Robbes, University of Chile

Future challenges in software evolution analysis from ind+academic perspective
Aiko Yamashita, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Hackathon: The MetricsGrimoire Toolset
Gregorio Robles Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Program Committee


This year's hackathon will expose participants to tools, methods and data obtained with the MetricsGrimoire toolset, a mature, industrial-strength toolset to obtain data from software repositories, that is available as free software/open source and developed together with a lively community. The Metrics-Grimoire toolset is the results of over a decade of development, and since 2013, after the creation of Bitergia, the technological basis of a start-up that offers and sells results and analysis to free/open source software companies and communities.

Hackathon chair: Gregorio Robles (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)


Registration is now open. Please simply fill in the registration form. The registration fee is NOK 1750, and can be paid by credit card through the registration system. Please register as soon as possible, and before June 22nd 2016. If you are a student or a PhD student, please check the box in the registration form – we need this information for tax purposes.

Student Scholarships

We will offer a limited scholarships for visiting students who lack funding. These should be large enough to cover the registration and part of the travel expenses (up to €300). We expect to award 3–5 scholarships. Apply here!


SATTOSE 2016 will be held in Bergen, Norway. Please visit the dedicated page for more information.


We have made deals with a couple of nearby hotels, see the dedicated page for more information. Note that Bergen is a popular tourist destination in summer, so make sure to book as soon as possible.

Social Events

  • Pre-event: We'll organise a traditional Sunday mountain hike the day before SATToSE, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy the view from Bergen's mountains and experience a genuine Norwegian “søndagstur” (Sunday walk). (We'll have suitable options for people who are in less-than-perfect shape.)
  • Monday: TBA. Hackathon in the evening.
  • Tuesday: main dinner: There will be a banquet at Hotel Grand Terminus. In addition to delicious food, the hotel also has a well-stocked whisky bar.
  • Wednesday: Informal get-together in the evening (barbecue, perhaps, depending on weather)
  • Post-event: We're planning a day-trip to the fjords on Thursday (July 14th), most likely following the classic Norway in a Nutshell itinerary. There is a separate registration for this excursion – Sign up here!


  • General Chair
  • Program Chair
  • Hackathon Chair
  • Proceedings Chair
  • Local Organisation Chair
    • Anna Maria Eilertsen (University of Bergen)
  • Local Staff:
    • Chief Chair-and-Seating Chair: Katerina Ivanova
    • Senior Coffee Vice-Chair: Eivind Jahren
    • Technical Comfy-Chair: Håkon Lerring
    • Principal Gastrotech Vice-Chair: Niklas Trippler
    • Beverage and Refreshment Senior Sub-Chair: Patrick Monslaup
  • Social Media Chair

Steering Committee

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