
SATToSE is the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution. Its 10th edition takes place in Madrid (Spain) on 7–9 June 2017. Past editions of SATToSE saw presentations on software visualisation techniques, tools for co-evolving various software artefacts, their consistency management, runtime adaptability and context-awareness, as well as empirical results about software evolution.

The goal of SATToSE is to gather both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research, exchange ideas, improve their communication skills, attend and contribute technology showdown and hackathons.

This year's SATToSE has a previous, co-located event: the SENECA European project training for PhDs, a one-day seminar on "writing up & moving on" and "commercializing research", that will have five renowned speakers. Those who register for SATToSE will have the possibility to attend this event for free.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 17 AoE April 14
Notification of acceptance: May 05 May 04
Registration deadline: May 15 May 09
Camera-ready deadline May 19
Pre-seminar event June 06
Seminar: June 07 - 09


Registration is now open. Early bird finishes May 15th (AoE). To register, please go to the dedicated registration page.


Contributions are managed through EasyChair. Please submit your paper using the following link:


See CfP specific page for details (including format).

Invited Talks, Tutorial

  • Serge Demeyer
  • Joost Visser
  • Felipe Ortega Soto (Tutorial on Pandas)


by Felienne Hermans

Student Scholarships

We will offer limited scholarships for visiting students who lack funding. These should be large enough to cover the registration and part of the travel expenses (up to €300). We will advise of cheap, but clean and with wifi hotels where to stay. We expect to award 2–4 scholarships. Stay tuned for more information!


SATTOSE 2017 will be held in Madrid, Spain, in the premises of the Fundación Universidad Rey Juan Carlos building in Manuel Becerra, in the Madrid city center. Please visit the dedicated page for more information.


There are some nearby hotels, see the dedicated page for more information. Note that although there are plenty of hotels in Madrid, it is a popular tourist destination, so make sure to book as soon as possible to be hosted close to the conference venue.

Social Events

  • Short (unguided) visit to El Prado Museum (Tuesday in the afternoon)
  • Reception/city tour (Wednesday in the afternoon)
  • Conference dinner (Thursday night)
  • Post-SATToSE visit to El Escorial (hiking, cultural visit and gastronomic visit) (Saturday 10:00 - 19:30). Families (partners, kids, etc.) welcome!
  • We also have tickets for the Classic friendly match on Sunday starting at 17:00 in the Bernabéu Stadion!


Program Committee

Organized by


Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria

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